Learning Resources
The Learning Resources team at The Philadelphia School includes expert learning specialists and mental health professionals who help students, teachers, and families navigate the teaching and learning processes. We use a multi-disciplinary framework to support the academic and social-emotional development of our wide range of learners.
The Learning Resources team provides support in language arts, mathematics, and executive functioning skills. Instruction is offered through push-in and pull-out sessions. Members of the team work closely with classroom teachers to ensure a good match between curricular goals and student abilities. We offer a flexible, child-centered program, which allows us to adjust course offerings and content flexibly based on the current needs of the students.
A significant aspect of our program at all grade levels is teaching students to become aware of their learning styles, adapt to teaching styles, and monitor their own progress in each subject area. The Learning Resources team also consults with families and teachers when there is a need for additional resources such as tutoring or educational testing.